Beyond the illusion Pricing Page











Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards healing and self-awareness? Dive into the blueprint of healing through conscious awareness, where you’ll learn how to detach from abusive and painful experiences while resolving unconscious parts within yourself.

01. COMMITting to no contact with the narcissist

The initial stage of your recovery process involves making a firm commitment to cutting off all contact with a narcissist. Although it may be painful, it is necessary to break free from the addiction and prevent it from causing further harm to your life.

Any form of interaction with an abuser serves to re-trigger the trauma you have experienced and keeps you trapped in a state of emotional and psychological distress. It is time to embark on a detoxification process, similar to that of seeking rehabilitation, to create the necessary space for healing from the effects of narcissistic abuse.

Throughout this courageous journey towards becoming a healthier version of yourself, I am here to provide unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement at every step.

02. connecting with and trusting your intuition

Connecting with and having faith in my intuition was a pivotal moment for me. It allowed me to connect with my body, establish boundaries, and make choices that foster personal development.

My role is to assist you in establishing a connection with your inner voice. Together, we will identify the people and aspects of your life that hinder your progress and develop the ability to listen to your body’s cues.

Embrace your intuition as an extraordinary ability, rebuild your trust and confidence in yourself, and embark on unprecedented growth and fulfilment during your recovery.

03. identifying and healing core wounding

Discover the underlying reasons behind your attraction to narcissistic relationships. Unveiling the secrets of the unconscious mind opens up a world of healing possibilities.

I assist in exploring the motivations behind seeking validation from narcissistic individuals. As you bridge the gap between your unconscious and conscious minds, you can redefine unhealthy dynamics in your life.

Initiate the transformation towards healthier relationships by addressing the root causes. With the proper tools and support, you can embark on a path of personal growth and resilience.

04. changing your perception of self

Reclaim your self-worth and identity by overcoming the effects of narcissistic abuse. When abusers infiltrate your self-perception, they shape you to mirror their limitations.

However, there is a silver lining: You have the power to reconstruct and redefine your narrative. Now is the time to liberate yourself from this confining mental state and embrace a life characterised by fluidity, autonomy, and your authentic essence.

I am here to provide guidance and illumination throughout this transformative journey, like a caterpillar blossoming into a beautiful butterfly. Allow me to support and enlighten you as we traverse this path together, empowering you to regain control over your self-esteem and sense of self.

05. aligning with your soul’s purpose

If you’re currently caught in the narcissist paradigm, experiencing feelings of hopelessness and entrapment, it’s time to transform that pain into a sense of purpose.

Learn how embracing your soul’s blueprint can give you the strength to escape from this toxic cycle.

I’m available to assist you in exploring your unique path and helping you restore hope, meaning, and happiness in the aftermath of narcissistic abuse. Let’s work together to rebuild a more resilient and vibrant version of yourself.

06. getting functional while setting up habits for success

Are you facing difficulties in reclaiming your life following abuse by a narcissist? You are not alone. The abuse can cause long-lasting trauma to specific brain regions, resulting in challenges with everyday activities and executive functioning.

Fortunately, there is hope for healing. Together, we will focus on developing productive habits that lead to success, no matter how big or small they may be. Rebuilding your life is possible, one step at a time.

Embark on this transformative journey with me, and I will guide you to help you regain your independence and embrace your true self.




$570 AUD

timeline: 6 weeks

6x counselling sessions that will guide you through the blueprint of healing, leading you towards clarity, inner peace, and renewed hope and purpose.

Each session is tailored to your needs, giving you conscious awareness so you can become a whole, powerful YOU! I don’t stop there – I also offer email support for any questions or queries in between sessions to keep you on track.

Don’t suffer in silence any longer. Let me help empower you to move out of the darkness and embrace true freedom!


$1140 AUD

timeline: 12 weeks

Everything from service one +

An extra 6x narcissistic abuse counselling sessions will guide you further through the blueprint of healing, leading you towards clarity, inner peace, and renewed hope and purpose.

Ready to transform your life? Choose this upgraded package for a more in-depth exploration of self-discovery and healing.

Choose between the 6-week plan or go all in with a life-changing 12-week program
Navigate Beyond Illusions: Rediscover Your Essence
Together, we will unravel the layers of illusion created by narcissistic abuse, allowing you to reclaim your inner strength and embark on a transformative journey towards soul recovery.

frequently asked questions

These sessions are designed specifically for those seeking recovery from narcissistic abuse and looking to work on topics such as awareness, inner peace, renewed hope, and purpose in life.

These one-on-one sessions will help you navigate the path toward recovery from narcissistic abuse and reclaim your life. But keep in mind, these sessions aren’t suitable if you’re not willing to cut ties with the narcissist just yet. If you need counselling – you can book a single session.

Choose from two convenient packages: a quick 6-week program for those eager to jump-start their process or a thorough 12-week plan to provide deeper insights and strategies. Don’t worry about upfront payment – I am flexible and offer instalment options too.

Recovery from narcissistic abuse, like healing in general, requires a significant amount of time. However, committing to the process and receiving proper guidance can help you regain your inner power, wisdom, and truth. I am here to share the framework that aided me in my emotional recovery. Through this process, you will become empowered as you embark on your healing journey and achieve personal growth. Never forget: you deserve unconditional love, freedom, and happiness. Allow yourself to receive support and have faith in your ability to heal.
