
Have you felt like something is a bit off?

 It is happening in front of our very eyes.

Narcissistic abuse is interpersonal and societal.

Narcissistic abuse occurs in romantic relationships, family systems, social settings, friendships, work environments, and at a societal level – as seen on a mass scale with the Covid-19 situation.

Narcissists can be sociopaths and psychopaths, and even if they are not fully-fledged sociopaths or psychopaths, they still show these traits and have no emotional empathy for others. They use cognitive empathy – the intellectual understanding of what empathy is.

This deletion of empathy allows them to commit acts that people with a conscience would not do. The conscience is a moral understanding of right from wrong and acts as a safety mechanism for behaviour. Since narcissists do not experience this, there are no limits to what they will do.

The Global Pandemic.

We are being lied to.

After investigating the Covid-19 pandemic for the last four years, the evidence shows that the government and mainstream media are lying.

Like narcissistic abuse on an interpersonal level, it’s a smoke screen for a more sinister agenda.

It is a quantifiable scam.

A massive global fraud – paving the way for the globalist agenda of total world control.

It is an excuse to transform human society and take away all our freedoms, rights, and civil liberties.

We must act now.

If we don’t fight now and raise as much awareness as possible, the world will sink deeper into the illusion. Vast numbers of the population are experiencing cognitive dissonance and a trauma bond with the authorities – a psychological response to narcissistic abuse.

Even when evidence is presented that exposes the Covid-19 scam clearly, people’s minds cannot accept it and will deny, rationalise, attack, and ignore all the evidence to the contrary.

It is the biggest hurdle we are facing on a societal level. Dissolving cognitive dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome is synonymous with facing truth and reality.

We can get there.

Nevertheless, it’s not going to be easy. Raising awareness is the first step which is what this website is here to do – but in the end, people can only come to that realisation themselves. The process will be painful for many, and perhaps some will not be able to do it, but eventually, things will get so tough that there will be nowhere to run.

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